Supporting Our Heroes: The Younger Heroes’ Initiative In 2023, The Younger Heroes team undertook a remarkable endeavor by conducting three intensive programs consecutively for first responders, frontline workers, and...
Damien Schofield’s father and grandfather both fought to protect Australia, but it wasn’t until his friends entered the defence force that he got a whole new perspective on the repercussions...
There’s nothing unique about a father going camping with his son, but The Younger Heroes isn’t an ordinary camping experience. The four-day outing is designed to reconnect veterans with...
In July 2018, Glenn Swift endured a SOLO 4200km bike ride from Perth to Sydney to raise money for The Younger Heroes which is an organisation dedicated to ‘Strengthening...
The Younger Heroes strengthens families. We let a parent and child pair join a 3-day wilderness camp in the NSW Hinterlands. As a technology-free camp, take the time to...
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